The BCPA Benevolent Fund

Please join your local BCPA Branch and continue to suport the BCPA Benevolent Fund

The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association Benevolent Fund (Charity Number 296490) was set up to help BCPA / BAFHP Branch Members during a time of need (subject to certain criteria)

Even if you are a Member of the SMAE Institute, you still need to join your local BCPA Branch for a potential claim to be considered by the Benevolent Fund Trustees

Click Here for Branch information

Our continued thanks to all the Branches and their Member’s that regularly donate to the Fund – it is always greatly appreciated

The Benevolent Fund has helped many members over the years; mostly with a single payment

The aim of the Fund is not to be a replacement for Private Health / Medical / Self-Employment Insurance, but to maybe help tide a Branch Member over for a few weeks


The Charity is funded by donations from BCPA / BAFHP Branches and individual Branch Members


Branches regularly have raffles and sales during events and Branch Meetings to help support the Benevolent Fund

Annual Donations

Some Branches also make an annual donation collected via Branch Member’s subscriptions

The BCPA Benevolent Fund Trustees are always looking for ways to acquire donations to be able to continue to support Branch Members in times of need

Without these donations, the Benevolent Fund will fail.  Please give generously.  You never know, you may need it one day!

BCPA Benevolent Fund Trustees

Michelle Frost
Katharine Hardisty
Charlotte Sellars
Grace Brown

Bank Transfers:

Sort code: 30-98-63
Account number: 01089560
Treasurers Account,
The Benevolent Fund of The British Chiropody and Podiatry Association
Please email Michelle Frost to advise Bank Transfer Details

Cheques payable to:

The Benevolent Fund of The British Chiropody and Podiatry Association
Post to: Michelle Frost, 12 Powell Close, Creech St Michael, Taunton TA3 STE